Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday evening! Finished my last practice run a few hours ago. Mmm, why would anyone start a ride at 3pm when the afternoon/evening winds are beginning?
A) As a stamina strategy to offset the possible/probable Davis wind.
B) Because you sat responding to FA Emails from 9am - 3pm.
C) Because you forgot "the afternoon Sonoma Valley wind".
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

I leave it to your imagination and guesswork on the correct answer.

I did a little over 18 miles in 1 1/4 riding hours, about 14.8mph on average. Riding hours do not include stops, like hydration stops or the Memorial's Day garage sale I couldn't resist.

My legs stayed strong which is a surprise. I am trying my daughter Miranda's biker pro powder line from Arbonne and surprisingly I think it is making an essential difference. Before I could feel my thighs reaching their limit. I will have my BIL Richard try the stuff; he rides century rides; ie, 100 miles in a day. (Good for him! lol) He's a few years my junior but he does well!

It got pretty cold by the end of my ride. Overcast. First half OK; second half, not so.

So I'm done until Saturday. Let the muscles re-knit/recover. Friday we will pick up a hand-cycle in Sacramento for folks driving in from the NW and Saturday morning we will help with registration until our ride comes up.

Brianne is still undecided with pain vs. ride. She'll decide Wednesday. If she decides to not ride I will probably do the 40 mile instead of the 19 mile, just to make this appropriately tough for all my sponsors. ;-)

I'll do a summary after Saturday.

God's best to each of you!


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