Sunday, April 24, 2016

Here we are in later April 2016, about 6 weeks from this year's Ride Ataxia NorCal and yes, I have actually been preparing for the ride with Brianne! :-) Her broken leg has long since healed so we are looking forward to pedaling for a FA cure!

This year I have taken a different approach to my preparation: weight loss! On Valentine's Day I weighed myself, 200.3lbs! My dad bless his heart was a pretty big fella (cross country truck driver for many years) and I have always sworn I would not go over 200lbs. Well, there I was. So I cut out ice cream, second helpings, bread and alcohol. This morning I am down to 184.4lbs! 15.9lbs less to lug around the course! And I have been riding about once a week plus cutting, loading and stacking some cords of firewood. I should be ready for this year's wind and Brianne's rig's weight! I feel like Rocky in Russia! lol

FA research moves in fits and spurts it seems.
- Some of the most hopeful drug strategies have been stuck in the lab for the last year, notably HDACi (to "wake up" the bad genes), gene therapy (to put good new genes in) and  TAT-Frataxin (to carry supplies of the lacking protein Frataxin into the mitochondria). These are all incredibly complicated lines of research and are spending the needed time in translational studies to give the best assurance of safety and efficacy before being tried out on people.
- But at the same time some newcomers drug companies have ripped in with new possibilities, and possibilities that can go right into trials! RTA-408 and R001 are two examples.

Take a look at the FARA Research Pipeline graph and the individual reports below that!

Brianne is doing OK. She has avoided the flu and generally has been healthy. She continues to control her weight, a good thing for her and her caregivers when away from the house's ceiling track system. Right now she is focused on re-planting for this summer season outside the door of her apartment.

I would love to see some of you at Davis for this special day! Come on Friday and I'll get you into our pre-party at the USA bike museum in Davis! If you would like to help there are always jobs to do! Let me know!

My fundraising Ride Ataxia NorCal page is at
Prayers for research success, good thoughts about us making the course "one-more-time" and a donation if you are so minded are all gratefully accepted! Any problems Email me at

I'll try for another blog just before the gala affair! Susan and I will be camping West of Winters Thursday through Sunday (or Monday!) so my blog will be early in the week.

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