Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's 11:45pm and the trailer is parked in front. Of course nothing is packed but we're only leaving tomorrow. ;-) Not to worry. A few more Emails then off to bed until 5am when I'll finish all the packing but clothes (Susan will be sleeping). I also need to transfer a bunch of stuff from the desktop to the laptop. :-( Time consuming.

I got a rash of registration phone calls tonight (which helped keep me from the trailer) and more new registrations. We're pushin' 160 riders now! Critical mass to make a fundraiser ride roll!

The pedicab deal is in place. Good. Friday PM for 2 hours we train on the pedicab. I am now thinking the pedicab course will be measured in hours rather than miles; the operators say it could take 3 - 6 hours to do the 10 miles, and I really don't think Brianne can sit comfortably in an improvised seat for that long. We'll see.

I am done training! lol I just ran out of time this week to do one more ride. I can just feel those muscles getting rested and primed for Saturday! Oh, yeah!

Considering my late start in fundraising I'm doing quite well. The total of online and offline donations is sitting at about $700 right now. I want to thank every one of the donors for their caring for Brianne and interest in improving her Quality of Life. The prayers being offered for success in FA research are also very much appreciated. God does listen.

We'll have the laptop with us but who knows where the wireless will be. I will try to give you updates through the weekend. Right now our schedule is:
- Arrive campground 5pm Thursday.
- Friday pick up a rental bike, mark part of the 2nd day route, drop off equipment at the park, get trained on the pedicab, get pre-registered at the Outback Steakhouse, drop off the rental bike, get back to our trailer.
- Saturday up at 4am and at the park by 5:30am, help set up, give a sendoff talk to the 25 and 50 mile riders, ride with the pedicab, then finish the 25 mile route (Susan will be working SAG), pick up the rental bike and another passenger for the ride up to Grass Valley, de-tune, eat an Outback provided dinner at 6pm and into bed.
- Sunday up at 6am and off on the 2nd day leg about 8:30am, finish about maybe 1:30pm, help clean up, take 2 passengers back up to Grass Valley, eat dinner, and drink beer with Bart Rupel (we have a date).
- Monday sleep late and return home by 5pm. Probably stop by to see my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Lucille.

Piece of Cake!! We can and will have fun, work hard, and gather baskets of money to throw into FA research! Yes!! Thanks again for supporting me.

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