Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow! Feb 14 was a long time ago! Since then I have been continuing to ride on average 23 miles once a week, as much or more just to get the exercise as to "prepare" for this Ride Ataxia NorCal. This year I am the official RA registrar plus I volunteered to drive the RV in Team FARA's RAAM adventure coming up in June( Whoo, 3,000 miles in 9 days by bicycle! These 2 projects plus numerous others have kept me away from this blog and getting sponsors to support my ride. :-( So now it is catchup time! :-)

Here's my latest and greatest plan! My wonderful oldest daughter Cheri located 4 pedicabs (bicycle powered fancy rickshaws) operated by FABA (Folsom Area Bicycle Advocates, and I negotiated with them to use 2 of them on the 10 mile route to allow FAers that cannot ride a bike or trike to participate and raise funds for research! Cool! Brianne and a young man, Dylan, from Missoula, Montana will be in them and several of us will pedal them. So my Saturday will start with managing and pedaling the pedicabs. Can you can support me in this? By the way, Pedicab, pedaler and passenger combined weight is over 500lbs! I'm told the average speed is 2-3 mph; now that will take some pedaling! Just that 10 miles ( will take 3 - 5 hours of pedaling! If time permits I will then finish the 25 mile route (, another 15 miles into the foothills and return.

Then Susan will pick me up and deliver us back to the Nevada City Fairgrounds campground (we arrived with trailer on Thursday) where we will enjoy the company of all the riders (130+ total) and supporters for the evening.

Sunday I will pedal my way 51.3 miles ( back down to Folsom. Do notice it ain't all downhill!

So there's my plan! The bike's ready, I'm ready (as I'll ever be), and now, are you ready?? Go to to be my sponsor. Or, go to to be Brianne's sponsor!

All I want is for a treatment to be found to give Brianne a way off this road of FA she has had to follow for so long. You and I can do this.

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